Safety policy in the University is formally the responsibility of the Safety, Health and Environment Committee, a committee of the Council chaired by the Vice Chancellor. The University has a continuing commitment to all staff, visitors and students to provide them with a safe and healthy place to work and study. This commitment is the foundation of the University’s Safety Policy.

Deans of Faculties and Heads of Departments have the responsibility to fulfill this commitment at the appropriate levels and students should be made aware of faculty/departmental rules and regulations.

The Safety Office acts as both an advisory centre and a service centre in occupational health and safety matters. In addition the Safety Office assists management to identify health and safety problems by carrying out safety inspections, audits and surveys, to monitor their progress and to comply with health and safety legislation, policies and codes.

The Safety Office employs a number of staff of different specialisms so that issues on most health and safety matters can be addressed. As well as professional safety officers, the office employs a biological safety officer, a construction safety officer, an occupational hygienist, a dangerous goods (chemical) manager, and a fire team to look after the various health & safety issues in connection with the University operation.

The University has made significant efforts to provide a safe environment for students as far as reasonably practicable. However, maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and study environment depends as much on the staff and students as on the University. Safety is not an "add-on" luxury or an extra: it is a fundamental requirement of modern day living. The University therefore expects students to contribute and play their part by considering health and safety issues whilst present on the campus and in their study activities.

Students are welcome to call the Safety Office (2859 2400) at any time to ask for safety assistance or advice, and its staff will respond to queries as quickly as they can.

Any student who suffers any injury or illness as a result of an accident occurring during the course of or arising from his study or activity at HKU must report the incident as soon as possible to his/her supervisor, or the Head of Department, or the University Health Service, or the Director of Safety.

2.Report of Fire, Dangerous Occurrences & Other Untoward Incidents
Any fire, dangerous occurrence or untoward incident with or without injury is required to be reported immediately to the Safety Office directly or to the Head of Department for the necessary investigation and appropriate follow up action.

3.Report of Near-Misses and Dangerous Conditions
To help make the campus safe, any near-miss or dangerous conditions detected in all parts of the campus or any study activities should be reported to the supervisor or the Safety Office by telephone or any other means as deemed appropriate.

4.Action in Case of Fire Alarm
In event of the fire alarm sounding all students should immediately stop what they are doing, evacuate the building and gather at the appropriate assembly point to await further instruction.

Whilst the bells are ringing students should not use the lifts nor enter the building under alarm.

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